High Performance Computing
High-Performance Computing
The term high-performance computing (HPC) is usually associated with computing used for the purpose of scientific research.
QCIF provides access to several HPC supercomputing systems and makes them available to its members’ researchers across all scientific fields.
HPC and research support services are available to all QCIF member staff and HDR students and are designed to enhance research outcomes and productivity in the following areas:​​
High-speed computation, including the use of high-performance supercomputing systems
Visualisation tools that allow scientific, engineering, and other data sets to be transformed into 2D/3D visual representations -
Programming support for research applications, including code parallelisation and optimisation
Statistics and data modelling -
Machine learning and AI
National Tier 1 HPC Facilities
QCIF holds a partner share on both of Australia’s national Tier 1 HPC facilities, enabling access to Gadi at the National Compute Infrastructure (NCI) Facility and Setonix at the Pawsey Supercomputing Centre.
QCIF’s partner shares enable its members’ early career researchers in building their track record of use of the national facilities to support their future NCMAS applications.
Please contact Dr Marlies Hankel (m.hankel@uq.edu.au) for further information.