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UWA subscribes to ReDBox

16 June 2023

The University of Western Australia (UWA) has become the first Group of Eight university to subscribe to QCIF-managed ReDBox (Research Data Box) as its online research data management platform of choice. 

QCIF is currently developing a customised version of ReDBox 3.0 for UWA. This includes a three-phase development plan to integrate ReDBox with UWA’s enterprise systems to enable researchers to meet their research data management plans without the need to duplicate metadata into multiple systems.

Kate Croker, UWA’s Library Manager, Research Publications and Data Services, said customisation was a critical factor in UWA choosing ReDBox.

“The ReDBox tool was selected due to its core infrastructure meeting many of our identified requirements, it being a fully hosted solution and its potential flexibility to meet our specific needs,” said Kate.

“By implementing ReDBox, we anticipate a more streamlined process for our research staff and students to manage their research data effectively.”

For UWA, this includes:

  • provisioning of data storage appropriately according to data classification

  • pushing information regarding research data into various systems for compliance

  • contextual help for researchers with making decisions about their research data

  • more robust management and governance of research data

  • visibility of research data, including where they are stored, data type and classification

  • assistance to make informed decisions about research data once they are no longer active.

QCIF Business Development and Communications Manager Troy Lockett said another factor in UWA’s selection of ReDBox was positive feedback from the University of Notre Dame Australia — another Western Australian institution and ReDBox subscriber — about the tool.

“We are really glad to have UWA join the ReDBox community; having a larger institution helps to continue to build critical mass,” said Troy.

UWA joins 10 other Australian institutions as ReDBox subscribers. The other subscribers include James Cook University, CQUniversity, University of Technology Sydney, University of Canberra, Deakin University, University of Wollongong, University of Newcastle, Western Sydney University, University of Notre Dame Australia, and the federal Department of Defence.

The Group of Eight (Go8) comprises Australia’s leading research-intensive universities and includes: the University of Western Australia, the University of Melbourne, the Australian National University, the University of Sydney, the University of Queensland, the University of Adelaide, Monash University and UNSW Sydney.

For more information about ReDBox, please contact QCIF’s Troy Lockett.

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