QCIF manager becomes a Carpentries Instructor Trainer
27 November 2020

Digital skills training for Queensland researchers was boosted this month with a QCIF manager completing certification to become a Carpentries Instructor Trainer.
QCIF Skills Development Manager Dr Mark Crowe will be able to train and assess new instructors in Carpentries’ teaching methods. His first workshop doing this will likely be in the first quarter of 2021.
This should give us much more capacity to provide internationally-recognised training to the QCIF pool of workshop instructors and expand this pool over the coming years,” said Mark.
“It also means we'll be able to expand our training program, which has already increased significantly this year.
QCIF currently offers a range of digital skills training for researchers, including workshops on software programs R, Python, Unix, SPSS and REDCap; bioinformatics platform Galaxy Australia; and more general workshops, such as working with sensitive data.
There are only about 100 Carpentries Instructor Trainers worldwide, including 10 in Australia. There are two active Instructor Trainers at QCIF member universities, namely Masami Yamaguci (Griffith) and Paula Martinez (formerly UQ, now at USQ).
The Carpentries is a non-profit organisation teaching foundational coding and data science skills to researchers worldwide. QCIF is a proud member of The Carpentries.
Visit this article if you are interested in becoming a casual training instructor with QCIF.