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QCIF hires a second eResearch Analyst for Griffith Uni

13 December 2022

Isaac Jennings joined QCIF last month as an eResearch Analyst based at Griffith University.

He will work alongside Amanda Miotto who has been a QCIF eResearch Analyst at Griffith for a number of years. 

Both Isaac and Amanda are responsible for raising awareness at Griffith of the availability of QCIF infrastructure and cloud computing services for researchers and assisting researchers with their use.

Prior to joining QCIF, Isaac worked in various roles within the Department of Defence and as a defence contractor. He has a strong background in data science, having learnt how to solve unique problems using data during a secondment to the Australian Signals Directorate early in his career.

“I was really excited to join QCIF due to its unique positioning in a fast-moving and rapidly evolving field as it is a key contributor to research outcomes and industry applications,” said Isaac.


“With a strong learning and development background, I saw the QCIF eResearch Analyst role as a rewarding pathway to leverage my prior experience whilst contributing to QCIF’s strategic mission.

During my time in this role, I am really looking forward to multiple opportunities for interaction with researchers from diverse disciplines and to collaborate to support their application of technology in research.”

QCIF Skills Development Manager Dr Mark Crowe said: “It's great to have Isaac joining the eResearch Analyst team. He has settled into the role very quickly, and with his background he brings a range of new skills and experiences that will be a valuable addition to QCIF and our Members.”

Isaac recently obtained a Graduate Certificate in Data Science (with distinction) from RMIT University, and will start an online, part-time Master of Computer Science degree with the University of New England next February.

He said Griffith researchers are welcome to ask him any questions about programming (namely Python and R), high-performance computing, scientific workflows, UX/UI, or general data science questions (email:

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