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Nadine De Rosa Joins QCIF Business Support Team

QCIF would like to give a warm welcome to Nadine De Rosa to the Business Support team.


Nadine brings a wealth of experience and a strong background in business management. She is known for her effective communication skills and a strong commitment to confidentiality and empathy. Her versatility allows her to thrive in both team-oriented and autonomous settings.


In her previous role at Centenary Financial Group, Nadine served as Executive Assistant to the Director before advancing to Assistant Accountant. In those roles, she was responsible for bookkeeping, business reporting, and payroll management, both internally and for numerous external clients. Nadine’s background in venue management and payroll further honed her leadership and problem-solving skills.


Currently, Nadine is completing a Bachelor of Laws (Honours) at Queensland University of Technology (QUT). She has also studied a Bachelor of Design (Landscape Architecture) at QUT, reflecting her enduring passion for the positive impact of green spaces and outdoor play on society. Nadine's drive to benefit the greater community aligns perfectly with QCIF's mission, and she is eager to contribute to QCIF operations through her role in the Business Support team.


Nadine expressed her excitement about joining QCIF, stating, "I am thrilled to be a part of QCIF and to support the incredible work of the Business Support Team. I look forward to working with Eve Ansell, supporting Joy Byrne, and assisting in any way I can to further QCIF's mission."


The QCIF community extends a warm welcome to Nadine De Rosa and looks forward to the positive contributions she will bring to the organisation.

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