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Monash wins QCIF door prize at eResAU2023

7 November 2023

Simon Michnowicz’s win of QCIF’s door prize at last month’s eResearch Australasia conference (eResAU2023) means Monash University will receive a free KeyPoint tenancy for 12 months, valued at $37,500. 

KeyPoint is a trusted research environment for analysing and sharing sensitive research data. 

QCIF congratulates Monash University and Simon, a Senior HPC Consultant at the Monash eResearch Centre.  

Record number of QCIF speakers at eResAU2023 

QCIF’s team presented a record number of talks at the hybrid online and Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre-based eResAU2023 conference. 

Nineteen QCIF staff either presented or co-authored talks at the conference, held from 17–19 October. 

Eight staff participated in eResAU2023 in other ways, such as acting as a session chair, being involved in Birds of a Feather (BoF) sessions, or presenting a poster. 

QCIF CEO Sach Jayasinghe was the co-Chair of the conference Program Committee alongside QCIF board member Professor Linda O’Brien.  

Sach acted as session chair for three themed sessions at eResAU2023, namely: Developing and Training for Now and the Future; Enabling Platforms and Services; and Leveraging Data Assets.  

Listed below are the talks QCIF staff either presented at the conference or co-authored (QCIF staff are highlighted in bold):   

Six QCIF staff also took part in the following Birds of a Feather (BoF) sessions at eResAU2023:  

QCIF Skills Development Manager Mark Crowe co-authored a poster for eResAU2023 alongside ARDC’s Paula Martinez, titled: The Queensland Research Software Developers Forum – Connecting Members of a Dispersed Community

Lastly, Gareth Price ran two Galaxy Australia demonstrations at the AARNET booth, alongside AARNET’s Olivier Allart. 

QCIF also had a booth at eResAU2023 and thanks all conference delegates who stopped by for a chat. 

The eResearch Australasia conference provides an opportunity for delegates to engage, connect and share their ideas and exemplars concerning new information-centric research capabilities, and how technologies can help researchers to collaborate, collect, manage, share, process, analyse, find, understand and reuse information. 

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